Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

Space Weather monitoring and forecast - 24/7

Setup - 1

Screen 1

PROBA2/SWAP - EUV - movie
SDO_HMI_Magnetogram - movie
SDO_304 - movie
USET sunspot picture
USET H-alpha picture
LASCO C2 - movie

Screen 2

Solar Wind Data + K-index

Screen 3

PECASUS dashboards

Setup - 2

Screen 1 - same

Screen 2 - same

Screen 3 - same

Setup - 3

Screen 1 - new

USET H-alpha picture with flare ribbons

Screen 2 - same

Screen 3 - new

PECASUS dashboard with SWF alarm

Setup - 4

Screen 1 - new

LASCO - movie, with protons and CME

Screen 2 - same

screen 3 - new

PECASUS dashboard with SWF-alarm
Click on SWF - Click on +1h to see the full extend of the flare

Setup - 5

Screen 1 - same

Screen 2 - new

send a presto

Screen 3 - same

Setup - 6

Screen 1 - same

Screen 2 - new

Solar Wind Data + K-index

Screen 3 - same