Splinter - European Space Weather Business Group

Heynderickx, Daniel, DH Consultancy BVBA, BELGIUM
Wik, Magnus, NeuroSpace, SWEDEN

Thursday November 21st, 2013, 13:30-15:00

Over the past few years, several small business initiatives have been set up that provide services for space weather application development and operation. Small companies can offer rapid and flexible solutions with low overheads. In order to maximise this potential to the benefit of the players involved as well as of their customers, we feel that the time is ripe to set up a framework through which small companies can present themselves in a more uniform manner and exchange information, knowledge and resources.
During ESWW9, a first exploratory meeting was held. This year, we would like to explore further some issues raised by participants of the first meeting, including:
  • how to do business with ESA and the EC
  • how to increase the company visibility
  • outsourcing of IT infrastructure and hosting solutions

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