Ninth European Space Weather Week
November 5 - 9, 2012, Brussels, Belgium

Splinter - EOEM Topical Group
N. Crosby (BIRA-IASB)
Tuesday, Nov 6, 16:30-18:30

The SWWT education, outreach and emerging markets (EOEM) topical working group covers education (primary to university), both formally (e.g. schooling, textbooks, etc.) and informally (e.g. museums, webcasts, etc.), as well as public outreach activities (e.g. TV/radio programs, popular books, etc.). Furthermore it considers potential future space weather markets acting as an umbrella in this context. Possible effects of space weather on the health of humans on Earth is being considered in connection with space weather induced health effects on humans in space.

EOEM Splinter Meeting Agenda

Part I: Potential Future Space Weather Markets
  1. Space Weather Effects on Humans: in Space and on Earth conference by Tamara Breus
  2. Effect of zero magnetic field on cardiovascular system of healthy volunteers by Yury Gurfinkel
PART 2: Education and Outreach
  1. SANSA Space Science by Lee-Anne McKinnell
  2. Space Weather in the Space Physics class in UPV/EHU Space Science and Technology Master by Teresa del Rio Gaztelurrutia
  3. Space Challenges: Bulgarian Leap in Space by Kamen Kozarev
  4. Space Environment Information System: Short Introduction to SPENVIS by Norma Crosby
The EOEM webpage has been revised and is now located on the European Space Weather Portal, ESWeP

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