STCE Seminar: The European Space Weather and Space Climate association (E-SWAN) and the future benefit for its community

Title: The European Space Weather and Space Climate association (E-SWAN) and the future benefit for its community

by Luca SPOGLI, president of E-SWAN

Abstract: Almost one year has passed since the foundation of the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association (E-SWAN, E-SWAN is the legacy of the "Quo Vadis, European Space Weather Community?" initiative, which was initiated during the harsh pandemic times to give the Space Weather and Space Climate community the possibility to take a major step forward in mapping out its future.
In that initiative, the working groups were established to investigate the best next steps, related to the technical, statute, legal, and funding aspects of creating a new organisation. A public discussion was opened to the whole international space weather community (not restricted to Europe) to get advice and comments in real time through a public discussion forum.
The mission of E-SWAN is ambitious: to unite, sustain, and develop Space Weather and Space Climate activities in Europe. E-SWAN is the natural host for the European Space Weather Week, for the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, and for the International Space Weather And Space Climate Medals.
The purpose of this talk is to inform about the E-SWAN plans and concrete actions to fulfil its mission, to encourage the participation to the E-SWAN activities, and to collect feedback aimed at benefitting the whole Space Weather and Space Climate community.

When: April 17, 2PM

Where: Nicolet room at BIRA-IASB and TeamsĀ


Friday, March 17, 2023 - 14:00 to 15:00

Travel Info





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