Webinar - Meet EPOS-BE

The Royal Observatory of Belgium and the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) are organising a webinar "Meet EPOS-BE" on November 24, 2023, @9:30 AM CET.

EPOS is the first and only pan-European research infrastructure for solid Earth science, integrating data from different scientific subdisciplines (https://www.epos-eu.org). Belgium is one of the founding members of EPOS ERIC and currently different Belgian research institutions and regional governments are providing services and data to EPOS (https://www.epos-be.eu).

The webinar is dedicated to researchers, students, and data professionals eager to explore a cutting-edge Pan-European Research Infrastructure designed to openly share solid earth science data and products.

The programme will introduce the EPOS infrastructure, its mission, and its significant achievements, with a special focus on the value it provides to users and data providers. We will delve into some of the most relevant scientific use cases for the Belgian solid Earth science community, chosen from the fields of GNSS, satellite data, seismology and anthropogenic hazards, and offer a live walk-through of the EPOS data portal, which will offer insights on how to visualise and combine different types of data.

More information and registration onĀ https://www.epos-be.eu/savethedate.php.

On behalf of Ann C Vandaele, BNCGG Secretary

Contact at ROB: Carine Bruyninx


Friday, November 24, 2023 - 09:30 to 10:30

Travel Info





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