A Design 4 a Ticket

Since 2006, each European Space Weather Week had a theme picture. For ESWW14, you will have the opportunity to design it. 
It's worth the effort: the winning design is used for the website banner, the esww14 poster, presentations,... and wins a full week esww14 ticket! 

Why this contest?

The esww13 conference dinner contest drawings from esww13 proved there was a lot of talent in the space weather community. We will further explore these talents and creativity. 

How you can participate?

Very simple: send your design before August 31 to the esww14 LOC . We need only a picture/image/cartoon/ ... no text. If your design wins, you should be able to hand it over with a minimum resolution of 150dpi and usable for be printed on an A4. 

Who decides on the winning design?

A five member jury: Pepa Ivanova (Science Artist), David Jackson (PC member), Olivier Lemaitre (LOC), Mauro Messerotti (PC chair), Wim Vander Putten (Planetarium Brussels, designed the past esww themes) will take originality, creativity, practical integration, link with ESWW, clarity, ... into account. 

When will the winner shall be announced?

As soon as the jury has reached a verdict, the winner shall be informed. An official announcement will appear on the front page of the ESWW14 website. This is foreseen by mid September. 

Past designs

Check it out  at the esww14 website. Good luck!!



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