
C-class flare!

On 8 August, a C1.5 flare erupted in sunspot region NOAA 2770. The gradual increase in flaring actvity and in the number of new solar cycle sunspot groups during the last few months confirms we are slowly exiting solar cycle minimum.

A prominence erupts

A prominence near the southeast solar limb erupted on 31 July. The associated coronal mass ejection (CME) was not earth-directed.

The tale of a comet's tail

Comet NEOWISE gave an impressive evening spectacle during the first few weeks of July, being visible with the naked eye and displaying two distinct tails.

A new member of the new solar cycle

A new sunspot has rounded the solar east limb. It belongs to the new solar cycle, which seems to have started late in 2019.

First images by Solar Orbiter

During an ESA online press briefing on 16 July, the first images from ESA’s new Sun-observing spacecraft Solar Orbiter have been released. The images are very exciting, and promise to get only better and to reveal new scientific insights!

An impressive solar corona picture

A composite of EUV and white light imagery taken during the eclipse of 2 July 2019 shows the solar corona in all its glory!

The STCE Annual Meeting

It is June, the time of the year of the annual STCE meeting. But COVID-19 forces us to rethink the concept. 


ISS transits the Sun

Solar observers at ROB caught the International Space Station (ISS) transiting the Sun.

A burst in flaring activity

On 29 May, the Sun surprized the space weather community with some unexpectedly strong solar flares from an active region that was still behind the solar limb.

SC24: a geomagnetic dud

The latest data confirm that solar cycle 24 is a huge disappointment in terms of geomagnetic activity.



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