
A sleeping giant

On March 24 and 25, two M-flares were registered from an active region still behind the east limb. First visible in SOHO/MDI on March 25, 16:06 the group seemed to have a promising flaring future. It fell short of our expectations. But, on March 31, the giant woke up and produced a long duration event continuing for more than 24 hours!

A recursive coronal hole

Last week, a large coronal hole played the leading part in the space weather news, just as it also did 27 days ago.

Shutterless Run of EIT

Since 1998, shutterless EIT campaigns led by the SIDC, were run to spot particular solar events. "Small scale" - "short time variations" are two of the key words of these campaigns. The last shutterless campaign was held on February 18 and 25, 2004.

Return of the flaring Sun!

Sunspot group 67 launched an X1.1 flare.

The Quiet Sun

The Sun veiled itself in silence: no flares, low solar wind speed, descending 10cm Flux. On Earth, we are experiencing quiet geomagnetic conditions. Although, a large prominence is visible in EIT imagery and might be blown off. The movie below shows the evolution in time of the prominence. From February 14 onwards, we see an agile, spiral shaped black structure in the upper left corner.

The Sun is preparing herself for Valentine

In GOES-12 SXI imagery we can detect an active region with a peculiar form. Is it a glimpse of the private life of the Sun?

The day the Sun had no spots

No spots were visible on the solar disk on January 28. The 10cm flux is crashing to a very low level.

Spectacular prominence eruptions on January 21 and 22, 2004

The first prominence, situated at the left (east) of the central meridian, erupted on 21 January. This led to a nice view in EIT 195 (see figure and movie underneath). At this time we already could predict the outburst of a second prominence, situated on the right edge (west limb) of the Sun. The small turbulent motions inside the prominence revealed the future activity.

What is a prominence? ... and a filament?

Did the Sun lose track?

A few days in the months October and November 2003, the daily sunspot number was tremendously high. This seems unusual since we are in the declining phase of the solar cycle.

SIDC visualisation

Since the official start in the magical year 2000 of the SIDC as a Regional Warning Center, our team developed many visualisation tools helping the forecasters doing their job. Click on the icons to find out more.




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