

Preliminary, non-operational images of the GOES-19 coronagraph CCOR-1 are available at the NOAA/SWPC's testbed, in anticipation of GOES-19 becoming fully operational on 4 April.

A flock of sunspots

From 28 January onwards, a cluster of sunspots started to rotate over the northeast solar limb. It was responsible for several medium-sized solar flares.

Topical Issue "Swarm 10-Year Anniversary"

JSWSC has extended the deadline for submissions to the Topical Issue on Swarm's 10-year anniversary to 15 April 2025.


Comet ATLAS made an impressive appearance in the imagery by STEREO-A and SOHO during the third week of January 2025.

Topical Issue "Severe SWx events of May 2024 and their impacts"

JSWSC has extended the deadline for submissions to the Topical Issue on the May 2024 space weather events to 30 April 2025.

A stretched out filament

A million km long filament has been transiting the solar disk during the last 2 weeks.

X-class flares by NOAA 3947

NOAA 3947 has been the source of several X- and M-class flares over the last 48 hours. ***Updated (2)***

X-class flares and severe geomagnetic storm

Coronal mass ejections, associated with a series of M- and X-class flares on 29 and 30 December, have resulted in a severe geomagnetic storm. ***UPDATED (4)***

X2 flare

An X2 flare was associated with a particular feature at radio frequencies.

December 5, 11:34 CET: Successful Proba-3 launch


“Signal received” After a smooth launch that was postponed by one day, operators and scientists waited to receive a first sign of life from the Proba-3 satellites.



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