Session 2 - Best Practice In Transitioning Existing Space Science Tools To Operational SW Prediction Systems

Giovanni Lapenta (KULeuven); David Jackson (Met Office), Suzy Bingham (Met Office);Stefaan Poedts (KUL), Manolis Georgoulis (Athens), Mauro Messerotti (Trieste)
Monday 27/11, 14:15 - 17:15

KEYWORDS - operational space weather, science versus practical uses, quantifying quality of services

Operational space weather prediction is a most urgent priority for Europe. Our session attempts to integrate the best practices from other disciplines (e.g. terrestrial weather forecasting) into operational space weather systems. We welcome contributions from related communities, ”use cases" showing how good practice has been followed. Special attention is given to ESA/EC projects, assessments from end users, robustness, reliability and testing of near-real time observation processing and space weather prediction modelling.

Poster Viewing
From Monday noon to Wednesday morning

Monday November 27, 14:15 - 15:30, Delvaux
Monday November 27, 16:00 - 17:15, Delvaux

Click here to toggle abstract display in the schedule

Talks : Time schedule

Monday November 27, 14:15 - 15:30, Delvaux
14:15ADAPT Model R2O Life Cycle: modify, test, repeatHenney, C et al.Invited Oral
14:45SWiFT-FORECAST: A physics-based realtime solar wind forecast pipelinePinto, R et al.Oral
15:00Open boundary conditions in Lagrangian models of heliosphere.Olshevsky, V et al.Oral
15:15Addressing the need for coordinated assessment, development and deployment of operational space weather prediction capabilities Kuznetsova, M et al.Oral

Monday November 27, 16:00 - 17:15, Delvaux
16:00The ESA Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre – Part 2Poedts, S et al.Oral
16:15Modeling Ideal Two-Fluid Plasmas: A new approach with COOLFluiDOzak, N et al.Oral
16:30A probabilistic implementation for the Drag-Based ModelDel moro, D et al.Oral
16:45Developing an improved Aurora prediction model for operational useJackson, D et al.Oral
17:00Best practices for validating and transitioning to operations the space weather services offered by University of Alcala through SeNMEs portal.Guerrero, A et al.Oral


1Validation-Based Decision Making Georgoulis, M et al.e-Poster
2Robust NARMAX model and forecast of geomagnetic indicesYatsenko, V et al.e-Poster
3The Ionosphere Prediction Service Project Cesaroni, C et al.e-Poster
4EUHFORIA: a solar wind and CME evolution modelPoedts, S et al.e-Poster
5Finalizing the FLARECAST ProjectGeorgoulis, M et al.e-Poster
6Combining photospheric and coronal observations to produce flare activity predictorsKontogiannis, I et al.p-Poster
7Polarity-inversion-line properties in eruptive solar active regions and corresponding CME characteristicsKontogiannis, I et al.p-Poster
8Numerical Modelling of Stealth Solar EruptionsTalpeanu, D et al.p-Poster
9Magnetic observatory data products for space weather operationsClarke, E et al.p-Poster
10Starting operative Space Weather activities in ArgentinaLanabere, V et al.p-Poster
11TBC: Approaches taken by P2-SWE-II project to design services for operational forecastersWright, R et al.p-Poster
12From kinetic models to predictive tools : solar wind and plasmasphere modelsPierrard, V et al.p-Poster
13Defining geomagnetic disturbance scale thresholds through statisticsPalacios, J et al.p-Poster
14SWERTO: an operational regional Space Weather serviceBerrilli, F et al.p-Poster
15Forecasting solar wind parameters at L1: Development of AWSOM/SWIFTArber, T et al.p-Poster
16EUHFORIA background solar wind modeling – validation within the CCSOM project Temmer, M et al.p-Poster
17Validation of IPS-ENLIL for operational space weather forecasting purposesGonzi, S et al.p-Poster