Format of a Session

A session can be attended by all registered ESWW participants and has two parts: the oral part and a poster programme. The fixed program and abstracts of the oral and poster contributions will be made available online.

The poster session takes place in the coffee area. All posters are put simultaneously on display. The poster author stands next to his/her poster during the poster programme and addresses session attendants that walk around. Discussion and interaction between authors and attendants is emphasised during the poster session.

p- and e-Posters of session 1 to 9 are on display on Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
p- and e-Posters of session 10 to 15 are on display on Thursday and Friday.
Authors of a p-poster can also make use of the Presenters' Corner

The oral part is a sequence of talks, typically 2 hours, and takes place in a room or auditorium with a seated audience. Interaction between the audience and the presenter is possible through a short Q&A at the end of a presentation.

We wish to emphasise BOTH the posters and the orals. Together, the oral and poster part complement each other.

Extra information

Note for the conveners: there will be technical assistance for the full duration of the oral part of a session.
Deadlines - Instructions for conveners
What is the difference between an e- and p-poster? - When to hang your p-poster? - When to upload your e-poster?