Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID) monitor

Observatory of Paris and Univ of Alcala collaboration

The Observatory of Paris (France) and the University of Alcala (Spain) are collaborating in the development of antennas to "listen" VLF-LF wave reflection of EM waves emitted for industrial purposes, following the initial SID Monitor idea of the Stanford University. This collaboration is thought as a kick-off for a European SID network to monitor flares in real time. The project also involves students in the development of the infrastructure and in the processing and analysis of the signals.

At the fair, the Professors and the students involved in the collaboration will explain how a SID monitor works, how the antennas have been built, which signals are been recorded (including the September flares), and will be ready to answer any question regarding the project. Interested visitors are encouraged to join.

Contact Consuelo Cid and Carine Briand