Call for sessions

Each year, during the European Space Weather Week (ESWW) conference, people from all over the world gather to discuss the newest insights in space weather and try to find appropriate answers to the challenges and threats that space weather imposes. Science, data exploitation, observations, service development, operational models, engineering, industrial challenges, etc. are all relevant and most important aspects of space weather.

One of the strengths of the conference is that the participants can contribute largely to its content. For ESWW16, we foresee sessions in 3 flavours:
  • Service Domain Plenary sessions;
  • Parallel Science and Research sessions;
  • Parallel Open sessions.
We would like to invite and encourage you and your colleagues to submit a proposal for a session. The online submission will open on 20 January 2019 and close on 20 February 2019.

The ESWW Programme Committee (PC) will decide which of the submitted sessions are accepted. Session conveners will be notified by the end of February.

With kind regards
Mauro Messerotti, on behalf of the ESWW15 PC