Topical Discussion Meeting - How to reach a full set of alarms for lost communication and lost navigation

Claudia Borries (German Aerospace Center); Per Høeg (University Oslo)
Thursday 8/11, 14:00-15:15
MTC 01.03

Alarms for severe ionosphere conditions are an important tool for mitigation of space weather impact on communication and navigation systems. It is a tool for users to make wise and appropriate decision for their products and services. In the ESA SSA space weather network, the ionosphere Expert Service Centre (I-ESC) has the responsibility to provide a full set of applicable alarms.

In this Topical Discussion Meeting (TDM), we will show the I-ESC concept for the development of alarms for lost communication and navigation. An initial alarm will be demonstrated. Additionally, we invite a speaker of a well-known data center to present their approach for the provision of ionospheric alarms.
Based on the talks we will initiate a discussion on the use cases for ionospheric alarms, the necessary preconditions for the provision and the feasibility for the implementation of a full set of ionospheric alarms.