Call for Design

Also for ESWW2022, a poster contest is launched. The assignment is to make a design in the ESWW2022 theme

The importance of comprehensive space-weather monitoring.

While this includes both various ground-based observatories and spacecraft monitoring, the theme was particularly inspired by the historical role of ground-based observatories. Also after the start of the space age, ground-based observatories stayed important. The Hvar Observatory for example, celebrates this year its 50th anniversary.

Why this contest?
Since 2006, the European Space Weather Week has a theme picture. The ESWW2016 conference dinner contest proved there was a lot of talent in the space weather community. We wanted to further explore these talents and creativity. From ESWW2017, we introduced a design competition.

Past designs
Enjoy the past designs by walking through the link 'PAST' in the top menu.

We announce an open call for designs for the poster/logo for ESWW2022 for this theme. The design should work for portrait poster but also for integration into a banner on the website. The design (without text), along with a short description and author details should be sent by email to the LOC .

The call is open until April 15th 2022. The decision will be made by a jury made out of the LOC chairs, PC members and a graphics design expert and will be communicated by mid May with the final design being published at the meeting website by the end of May. The author of the winning design will be waived of the registration fee for ESWW2022.
