Topical Discussion Meeting - Open discussion: Building the European Space Weather and Space Climat Association (E-SWAN)

Jean Lilensten (Univ de Grenoble), Sophie Chakanski (BIRA-IASB), Luca Spogli (INGV)
Tue, 10:45-12:00, Water

In spring 2022 the new European Space Weather and Space Climate Association (E-SWAN) was created. This initiative follows the "Quo Vadis, European Space Weather Community?" initiative and the subsequent publication of a white paper in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate in 2020. E-SWAN first General Assembly will take place on Monday 24 Oct at the ESWW 2022. The mission of E-SWAN is to unite, sustain, and develop Space Weather and Space Climate activities in Europe. E-SWAN will immediately be the natural host for the European Space Weather Week Program Committee, for the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate Editorial Committee, and for the Space Weather and Space Climate international Medals committee. This session is open to everyone, indeed E-SWAN aims to represent the community at large, including stakeholders, forecasters, scientists, product providers, and is open to members from any country throughout the world, although one needs to work in Europe to belong to the Executive Board. E-SWAN is also willing to liaise with all other existing bodies involved in space weather and space climate activities worldwide. The purpose of this session is to collect feedback from the community on how E-SWAN can best achieve its mission and plan concrete actions to reach these goals.